Saturday, January 16, 2010

Bittersweet Day

Yesterday was not the best of days but it also was not the worst of days. On a good note it was Bob's and my 38th anniversary. On our wedding day I would not have been able to even picture 38 years together. But we've done it and done it quite well. I certainly don't expect 38 more but many more will be acceptable. On a sadder note a very dear friend left Friendship yesterday to continue her teaching career at a different school. As her new school is not even 5 miles from Friendship I am certain I will see her frequently. The saddest part, though, was the fact that it was just a year ago yesterday that my brother passed away. His death has been a hard thing to accept as he was younger than me and seemed to be in good health and physical shape. The thing that makes me the angriest is that he worked hard all his life and has now been denied the opportunity to retire and enjoy the fruits of all that hard work. Lesson learned - live life to the fullest because you DO NOT know what tomorrow will bring.

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