1:00 pm - We finally headed west.
2:00 pm - Bang! Thump! Thump! Thump! Blown rear tire. Good Sam Roadside Assistance to the rescue.

5:00 pm - We limp to Camp Chautauqua on Chautauqua Lake for the night.

Having decided to purchase 6 new tires for peace of mind, we ended up staying at the campground until Friday because the tires had to be ordered. A phone call on Friday confirmed the tires were in but only 4. Go figure! Decision was made to have the four installed and purchase two more while in Rapid City. By 2:00 pm we were headed west once more.

To make up for lost time the guys decided to continue driving after dark. Not the best of decisions. Miscommunication between the driver and the navigators resulted in driving the toll road through Chicago instead of the bypass around Chicago. Also the lighting gremlin reared his ugly head again and started playing with the lights. Aargh!! Boy were we glad to see that rest stop!

Crossing the Mississippi River.

Wind turbines in Minnesota.

How we travel. :-)
Still following you and your chain of events. Hope your journey begins to smooth out.